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Why I Write?

Chetneet Chouhan
"The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from destroying itself." ― Albert Camus

The only reason I used to write is to promote reading. To tell people how underrated it is.

The old fading leisure activity getting buried under dopamine hitting social media which were designed to capitalize on our deepest emotions. Human connection.

And I have seen people around me looking stupid. They are all always on the phone. Hyperconnectivity.

I wanted to write regularly but got no ideas and had typical beginner writer's problems. Like stalling to write, writer's block, and feeling of 'not feeling it. And all the procrastination does a new writer who sucks at writing. But not at putting off writing.

And I needed to maintain my P/PC balance.

What is the P/PC balance?

P refers to Production and PC refers to Production capacity. Examples of P can be working, writing, teaching, etc. and PC is reading, learning, taking classes, etc.

Learning and improving our skills come under PC. Consumption.

PC is input and P is output.

What was happening was that I was reading a lot, learning a lot, and was not putting everything into action. I had an imbalanced P/PC. I was consuming a ton but with no production or output. So to be beneficial to others, I have created this blog as a medium to connect with my readers and teach them.

Have I learned everything? No, there is so much to learn, and that's the fuel for an explorer.

That's why I write—trying to document. To share. To spread awareness.

As we know the ultimate aim of learning is change. I am requesting to all my readers put everything they learn from my blog and other sources into action. Make changes in your life.

Make things move.

“As a writer, you should not judge, you should understand.” ― Ernest Hemingway

Chetneet Chouhan


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