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Keeping a Notebook in the Crisis of Over information

Chetneet Chouhan

In this essay, I am going to argue why you should keep a analog notebook with you all the time in this era of digital internet.

You can either watch the video essay or read the essay down below.

Our memory

You have two types of Memory.

There are two types of memory, short term and long term memory. Short term is like RAM in your smartphone or PC. Which acts as things that you are currently working on and easy to access. So whatever you are working on, all the information related to it stores into your working memory. Whatever you are working on, things related to that task is in your working memory

Long term memory is that huge warehouse where every human emotion or memory is stored.

To convert from working memory to long term memory, you need some time and some revisions, questioning, comparison and deduction. As Rutherford Rogers has said. Else, you will simply forget everything that has on your working memory. And as well on long term memory.

An you need to question, relate something back to what you already know and

Crisis of Over information

We have multiple sources of information.Book,Social media, Articles and essays and podcasts.

But what this is doing is that it's overflowing our working memory or short term memory. And as a result, as we already know working memory is not good at retention, there is no conversion from working memory to long term memory.

We simply forget things. Learning time has been wasted. Things that are valuable to your life, that insights, are losing and forget implementing. That's the crisis of over information.

Putting into Notebook

When you write on notebook, you start to make it as short as possible in your brain. Because you can't write everything that you are thinking.

So you are doing the thinking part. Which helps your brain to transfer whatever you have learned in current memory into long term memory. And then you write. This slow process makes you think while writing.

This act of writing brings clarity. Another benefit is that you are documenting your learning. which saves your effort that you have put into learning. How many times does this happen to you when you stop reading an article, or a book. You remember nothing about that book.

Just some random information that may or may not be useful for you. You think the book wasn't great. but that was you who thought that you will remember that.

Your learning efforts are now accumulating. And you are more likely to remember them. And that's the main reason I do it.

To learn and to make beautiful connections between things that you have already learned. And to ask better questions.

And everything that you have learned in one place.


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