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New Book: How to consciously learn from the Internet

Chetneet Chouhan

Very excited to announce my first book: How to consciously Learn From The Internet. This book is a collection of essays that I have re-written and edited for a better book experience. If you are reading my work and it resonates with you, then this book is for you. And it's free.

You can get access to this book for free just by signing up for my newsletter.

As I get a better idea of what I love writing about, atleast for now, it's something along the lines of technology + philosophy + conscious living. This book is about the same.

This book fulfills two purposes. First, I get to know how much work it takes to write and curate a single book. And it now has relevant essays put together coherent manner.

If a new reader comes across my work and loves more than 3-4 essays that I write, he will obviously see my book multiple times (see the screenshot below). And that person would get all my relevant essays in one place (book) (that already has been resonated with him) and I can expand my newsletter. It's a win-win.

This book is in two parts,

  • PART I - The Literature. - Where I have added all theory and mindsets about learning and how internet affects our understanding.

  • PART II - The tools - more practical section plus perspective to obvious things like get a laptop, not a smartphone.

For more information about the book, I have created a separate page with a table of contents inside the book.

To get the book, signup for my newsletter.

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