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Blinkist + Medium = the new learning framework

Chetneet Chouhan

Update(5 April 2022): This essay now does not reflect my current understanding of learning. But rather than deleting this essay, keeping it here for historical purposes (and more likely to remind me how little I know). In near future, I will publish an updated (better and nuanced) version that is working very great. Subscribe to my newsletter to get updated. To not leave you hanging. I highly recommend you to read the book Writing To Learn by William Zinsser (affiliate link) Thank you. Now below is the old essay.


Learning is not Attained by Chance, It must be Sought for with Ardor and Attended to with Diligence.
―Abigail Adams

I was learning about Blockchain. And I invented this learning model (haha, sounds cool.) If you are learning something on your own, but that topic has a lot of theories and concepts. And you want to have an in-depth understanding. Use this framework.

Blinkist + Medium = learning framework.

From Blinkist, you get book summaries. (Acts as textbooks.)

From Medium, you get opinions. (Acts as a teacher.)

Not so great if you want to gain very technical training. Like JavaScript or python. It also needs much practice.

But if you want to know about other subjects, Blockchain, general accounting, business, and history. It's a pretty good framework. You can also learn about marketing and entrepreneurship in this way. It has worked for me.

Step by step.

  1. Signup with Blinkist with this link (for 7 days free trial.) (Affiliate link.)

  2. Get Medium membership. (Non-affiliate link.)

  3. Know essential books related to the subject you want to have an in-depth understanding of. And read them on Blinkist.

  4. After getting some solid understanding, go to and read publications.

  5. Do take notes while learning.


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