Feb 29Iterative Learning Strategy of Ray DalioWhy bother with how Ray Dalio learns? He is a billionaire. All other his work (like his Daily observation) always refer to the mental...
Feb 25Why am I sharing my trades online?The purpose of sharing my trades, Inspired by Daily Observations by Ray Dalio, he talked about in his book, Principles. To share in a...
Feb 252.5% return: IDFCFirst bank(paper trade) What: Options sold on 29 Jan 2024 for one month at a strike price of 85. The current price (written on 25 Feb) is 82.85....
Apr 11, 2023How do we know what recession is? Fundamentally everything purchased in the economy (distribution of scarce goods and services) is either funded by cash or by debt. Debt...
Sep 21, 2022What should you be reading about?Chetneet’s note: I am going, to be honest with you all, I really didn’t get time to think of public writing (regularly doing private...
Jul 2, 2022Learning isn't linearLearning isn't linear. When starting to learn a skill, (like CS, playing piano, or making music), the first school-mindset-fueled...
Apr 5, 2022Part 2 | Historical & Mythological Context by Jordan Peterson | notesJordan Peterson lecture notes | index. This is part 2nd. This was part 1. This lecture’s title should have contained Harry Potter, as...
Mar 20, 2022Deep Questions podcast by Cal Newport | my notesFollowing are my Deep Questions podcast notes. This podcast has made Cal Newport’s ideas widely accessible. Without having to go through...